Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Ground hog day...! and General observations

Ground Hog Day....
There is always something to look forward to in a normal life at home. There are weekly cycles that are great indicators that life as not stood still. Things to look forward to. Maybe the weekend. Maybe just seeing your children at the end of the day or a meal that you have been looking forward to.
Last piece of ducting being craned in
Out here every day is the same..... From the moment you walk into your Donga after your flight back. There are no changes during a week that make any day feel different. No indicators that life is travelling along. No weekends, no children's sport or training. Bed time is too early to watch regular TV shows. You do your washing on a week night or on a Saturday night. It does't matter. The meals served in the Mess hall are the same every night (except the random seafood night). Time just stops... I have all the technology available to me to help me keep life in order but without a calendar in my face, I have no idea. I call home to check in on my other life and have to consciously try to work out what day it is so I can ask appropriate questions.
And then all the 3.30 wake ups in a row. 13 days without a sleep in. A day off. Then repeat.
Your life is one day that rolls into another... then another...
No complaints. Just a part of this lifestyle.
Next 2 cardumpers shells being built. We are the front runners
on this contract. But they are not ready. These are big cranes...
2 conveyor tunnels are in the foreground.
Other general observations.
Short hair and very few beards.
Lots and lots and lots of goatees.
Tattoos, including chests, backs of hands and necks. Young and old. Male and female. I do feel like the odd one out.
And a favourite...In the evenings at camp. Garish t-shirts with mismatched board shorts. Probably christmas and birthday presents that were never allowed to be worn at home. Some blokes really need their mums or wives to give a little guidance..

I can see why uniforms exist...

1 comment:

  1. Great read Bowditch, love the updates..
    One box of arish t-shirts with mismatched board shorts heading your way asap.

